ATM Locator provides you ATM and Bank details like address, geo-location and even directions to reach there.
Besides it will show you all the ATMs and Bank within (from 1 to 50 KM radius according your choice) range in Mapview.
The user can search for any ATMs and Bank by location name or address in ATM Locator.
Map view plots all the ATMs and Bank around you on a map and gives you all detailed address within the Info Window once you tap on ATM marker.
Important Features:
• Gives a list of ATMs and Bank in the range of 1 to 50 km around you.
• Map view will mark all the ATMs and Bank around you on a map with details.
• Search for ATMs and Bank by location name or address using AutoComplete feature provided by new magnificent Google service. You do not need to write the whole address. Only write the first two characters and google will do the rest 😊
• You can customize range (within 1 to 50 KM) to get more ATMs and Bank around you.
• Get route to reach the selected ATM and Bank from your current location.
• Start navigation on Google Map on one click on ATMs.